Saturday 4 October 2008


Shit i'm a bad tourist.

I attempted to purchase a pair of astroturf boots today. This is so I can partake in 'Soccer Sunday' (you have to say this in the most annoying american accent possible- think Budweiser advert/multiball). I've been assured that the standard is fairly low, but judging by the humidity and the fact that everyone here apart from me has the torso of an extra from Enter the Dragon I think I could be in trouble. If they take it anywhere near as seriously as their facial expressions suggest, i'll be lucky to escape without serious injury.

Anyway, i'm struggling with Korean. So before I went to the store I wrote the Korean for 'hello' and 'thanks' on my hand in biro. Unfortunately, where i'm the sweatiest man in Korea this came off immediately upon leaving the air-conditioned sanctuary of my appartment. This meant that I had to bumble my way through the purchase using my now well-rehearsed poniting, nodding and 'ok' hand signal. I'm pretty sure that they think i'm a tosser.

Talking of which, a previously undiscoved cupboard under my sink happens to contain no less than eight large boxes of Korean Kleenex- must love a wank these guys...

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